Maxzorb Mega Wellness Cleanse Internal Diet Complex (240 caplets)
Maxzorb Mega Wellness Cleanse Internal Diet Complex (240 caplets)
Maxzorb Mega Wellness Cleanse Internal Diet Complex (240 caplets) 1
Maxzorb Mega Wellness Cleanse Internal Diet Complex (240 caplets) 2

Maxzorb Mega Wellness Cleanse Internal Diet Complex (240 caplets)

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  • COLON CLEANSE-Gentle cleansing for liver, kidneys, colon, lymph system, lungs and skin.
  • NUTRIENT ABSORPTION-Aids absorption of nutrients by eliminating mucoid plaque on the colon wall.
  • WEIGHT LOSS-Decreases food cravings and allows for healthy weight loss.
  • DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS-Helpful for IBS, diverticulitis, colitis, and many other digestive issues.
  • MORE ENERGY-Improves skin, vitality and well being.



SKU 1001

Size: 90 or 240 Caplets

Shipping: $6.95 / FREE Over $99.00

UPC: 669348010012 669348010029

Maxzorb Mega Wellness Cleanse Internal Diet Complex (240 caplets)$44.00 Maxzorb Mega Wellness Cleanse Internal Diet Complex (90)$24.00
  • Product Details


    Internal Cleansing with Mega Wellness Cleanse

    and Mega Cleanse EXTRA


    Formulated and Designed to aid all six channels of elimination:

    kidneys, liver, colon, lymph system, lungs and skin.*


    1.     Why do we need Mega Wellness Cleanse Internal Cleansing Complex / Mega Cleanse EXTRA?

    We live in an extremely polluted environment. Toxins are virtually inescapable. The water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breath, the medicines we take, even the bacteria in our intestines all add up to pollution of our bodily systems.

    There are currently more then 70,000 toxins in our environment. Farmers are producing ever-increasing amounts of food, and they are using huge quantities of poisonous pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, and chemical fertilizers. Further food processing adds preservatives, artificial colors, artificial flavor enhancers, and artificial sweeteners.  The average American is consuming 135 pounds of food additives every year.


    Increased exposure to these toxins have been linked to:

    fatigue, headache, dark circles under the eyes, skin breakouts, arthritis, depression, memory failure, muscle pains, digestive disorders, constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, slow metabolism, weight gain and even serious illnesses.

    The human body has to process every poison that it takes in.  When this becomes impossible because the organs of detoxification are overburdened, then disease and even death will occur.

    It’s not what you eat—it’s what you absorb that counts.  Poor assimilation leads to nutritional deficiencies.  The job of your small and large intestine is to absorb nutrients from the foods you eat and the supplements you take.  If the intestinal walls are clogged with impacted wastes, nutrients can’t be absorbed and are eliminated.

    It’s up to us to protect ourselves from these toxins, because our health and beauty are directly related to our ability to absorb the nutrients from our food and supplements and just as important, to detoxify.  *(Referenced from “Dr. Whitakers Guide to Natural Healing” by Julian Whitaker M.D. 1995, 1996. Prima pub. “Purify Your System for Health and Beauty” Margot Hellmis and Falk Scheithauer 1998 Sterling Pub.)

    Mega Wellness Cleanse / Mega EX contains 42 herbs and super foods formulated and designed to aid in cleansing toxins from the liver, colon, kidneys, lymphatic system, and blood. Single herbs used alone often will not have the same effect as when combined in a formula. A synergy is created. These formulas have been in use for 27 years and are helping hundreds of people.


    2.     I have never cleansed my system or it has been awhile since I have cleansed, when and how many caplets / capsules should I take?  Do I need both formulas, and how should they be taken?

    If this is your first cleanse, or it has been awhile since cleansing your system, begin with the Mega Cleanse EXTRA, Extra Cleansing for Liver and ColonIf you are constipated, start with the Thera Colon Cleanse to remove all of the excess fecal matter from the large intestine.  This will take a few days.  Gradually add the Mega Cleanse EXTRA along with the Thera Colon Cleanse.  After a week or so, drop the Thera Colon Cleanse.  Add the Mega Cleanse Internal Cleansing Complex after you have achieved good elimination.  Removal of excess fecal matter allows the Mega Cleanse Internal Cleansing Complex to be more effective at cleansing the other channels of kidneys, lymph system, lungs and skin.

    (Thera Colon Cleanse)  If you are constipated, start with 1-2 capsules with the evening meal.  You may increase dosage as needed. When you feel good elimination has been attained, drop the number of Thera Cleanse Capsules, and add the Mega Cleanse EXTRA. (you may combine these)

    (Mega CL Ex.)  If you are not constipated Start with 1-2 capsules with the evening meal.  Increase by 1-2 capsules every 3-6 days till you are having normal elimination.  As you increase the capsules, you may take them with breakfast, lunch and dinner in divided doses...

    You would keep increasing the amount by one or two capsules per day, until you find what works best for your particular metabolism, or bowel tolerance.  If stools become to lose, reduce the amount you take accordingly.

    (Mega-CL.)  You may take this formula with the Mega Cleanse EXTRA-- the Mega Wellness Cleanse has 30 herbs that cleanse all six channels of elimination including the liver and colon.

    Start with 1-2 caplets per day with lunch or dinner for 3 days.  To reduce appetite, take it 30 minutes before the meal.  You may take them all together or split them between two meals.  On the 4th day, take 2-4 caplets (1-2) with lunch and (1-2) with dinner for 3 days.  On the 7th day take 4-6 caplets, (2-3) with lunch and (2-3) with dinner for 3 days.  On the 10th day take 6-8 caplets, (3-4) with lunch and (3-4) with dinner. You may take 1-8 per day or what works for your particular body. (Note)  Listen to your body.  The instructions above may be altered to suit your individual metabolism.  You may take any amount, or combination of the above that attains the desired results specific to you.

    If you should get diarrhea or constipation, that’s an indication that you are detoxing your system too quickly.  You should cut back one or two caplets per day till the stool is more normal.  (If you become constipated) add the Thera Colon Cleanse to reinstate good elimination. You MUST drink lots of bottled or purified water to irrigate your system and aid the cleansing process.  Eight 8 oz glasses per day is suggested.

    Diet and exercise--You need to exercise daily if you have chronic constipation. Toxins are eliminated much faster with an active body. It rids itself more quickly of toxins through perspiration and encourages proper elimination. Eating a healthy diet, i.e. fresh vegetables, fresh fruits and lean meat will further aid the cleansing process.

    If you have a problem with gas and bloating add the Total Digestion Probiotic and Digestive Enzymes.  Flaxseed oil would also be very beneficial to elimination and just compliment what you are already doing. Take with the Mega Cleanse and or the Mega Cleans EX. This can all be taken at one sitting.


    A comprehensive multi-vitamin containing a wide spectrum of B vitamins is also imperative during detoxification.  Please look at Body Dynamics Mega Nutritional System as a companion to the Mega Cleanse and Mega Cleanse EXTRA   


    Note: Everyone is different and their metabolism will determine how much they should take.  Someone with a slower metabolism would probably take more then someone with a faster metabolism. After you have cleaned the accumulation of fecal waste from your bowel, and the toxins that have accumulated in your liver, lymph system, fatty tissue, and blood, you will probably require less to maintain a toxic free system.



    3.     Will I have any side affects from these products?


    The Mega Wellness Cleanse / Mega EX. formulas contain no chemicals, preservatives, toxins or pesticides.  They are pure and pollution free, and as pure substances they will not cause side affects.  However, it is possible for a person, who has been eating improperly for years, or has any illness to experience minor discomforts and body changes when he alters his eating habits or adds new substances to his systems. Eight of the herbs in these formulas work to cleanse and heal your system. They are as follows: alfalfa, aloe vera, bayberry bark, beet root, burdock root, cascara sagrada, dandelion and ginger.

    When you add these new substances to your system, the accumulated toxins that were stored in your tissues and organs as well as the endotoxins from the dyeing parasites, bacteria, fungus and other pathogens begin to leach out into the bloodstream and are passed out of the body through the elimination process.  While these toxic substances are floating around in your system in their concentrated form, they re-poison the body slightly until they are completely expelled.

    This is what causes discomfort, not the herbs

    During this detoxification period, a person can experience mild to severe reactions such as headaches, flu like symptoms, body odor, upset stomach, itch and rashes, diarrhea and/ or constipation.  Constipation could be a sign that you are detoxing heavy metals such as lead and mercury. Mega Wellness Cleanse EX could be an invaluable tool for relief.

    This is known to nutritionists as a healing crisis or Herxheimer reaction, and occurs within 24 hours to 5 days of cleansing.  This is not a bad thing, but rather a sign that the body is releasing stored up toxins.  The severity of the Herx reaction is often an indicator of just how much toxicity there was in the body to begin with and is an indicator of the effectiveness of the treatment.  It is actually a sign that the body is restoring itself to good health.  To lessen the severity of discomfort caused by a healing crisis, allow the body to detox slower by reducing the amount of Mega Wellness Cleanse caplets you are taking, replacing them with the Mega Cleanse EXTRA. Then as the symptoms lessen, increase slowly to the optimum amount for your system.  We are all different, so listen to your body.

    If we will just give our system a chance to eliminate and readjust, we will feel much better.  We must move slowly but surely towards tissue cleansing and rejuvenating our system, keeping in mind that even as it took time to pollute our system, it will take time to reverse the process.


    4.     How long can I take these products, will I become dependant?

    The formulas are gentle and it is the combination and amounts of each herb that make it possible to take on a daily basis.

    Common sense dictates that we should cleanse the toxins from our systems every day instead of purging them out every 3-6 months, as is the case with some herbal cleansing products.  Some individuals have taken these formulas for 18 years.  Most report that they have reduced the amount they take after an initial cleansing phase of several months.

    These are super foods and nutrients and are not habit forming.  If you should quit taking the product you will simply revert back to whatever condition you were in before you started taking it.

    5.     I’m taking medication.  Will Mega Wellness Cleanse / Mega EX Interfere with it?

    Many clients report that they have been able to take the Mega Wellness Cleanse Internal Cleansing Complex and the Mega-Cleanse EX with their medications. We at Body Dynamics recommend that before you take any herbal supplements with medications that you consult your Doctor.


    6.     Will these products help me to lose weight?

    Yes and here’s why.

    1.      Spirulina is the main ingredient in Mega Wellness Cleanse. It is a micro- algae, or a microscopic plant.  Dried Spirulina is very high in protien, about 60%. In addition, it has nearly twice as much vitamin B-12 as dried liver, is rich in vitamin A.,and is a complete protein containing all essential amino acids.
    It is the perfect appetite suppressant because it contains phenylalanine. Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid that acts as an appetite suppressant by administrating the release of an intestinal hormone—cholecystokinin—which signals the brain to feel satiated after eating. This was proven in a laboratory study with rhesus monkeys. [1]

    2.     Six of the herbs in this formula seek to stabilize blood sugar levels. This helps reduce cravings for simple carbohydrates and sugars. These herbs are dandelion, bayberry bark, bee pollen, licorice, juniper and skullcap.

    3.    Mega Wellness Cleanse also contains Chromium Polynicinate. According to Georgetown University researchers, chromium, a trace mineral that is often deficient in adults, may help to prevent or treat metabolic problems, including obesity, glucose intolerance, and unhealthy lipid profiles. In the body, chromium improves the sensitivity of insulin receptors, helping to promote optimal metabolism of sugars. [2]

    4.    Fennel [3] and juniper berries [4] being natural diuretics, aid the reduction of excess water retention.

    5.    Kelp is a seaweed containing more vitamins and minerals within its roots, stem and leaves than any other food, (23 in all). Kelp is usually taken for its Iodine content which is needed for healthy thyroid action, which governs healthy hair, nails, skin and teeth. The thyroid gland regulates the production of energy, stimulates the metabolic rate and so helps the body burn excess fat.

    6.     Restoring intestinal health through colon cleansing allows more nutrients to be absorbed and a person tends to eat less.


    7.      What is Cascara Sagrada ( Rhamnus purshiana), and why should it be included in the Mega Wellness Cleanse formulas?

    The dried bark of cascara has been used for centuries as an herbal laxative-first by Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest, and then later by European/U.S. colonizers. Spanish conquerors exploring the Pacific Northwest in the 1600s came across many Native peoples using the bark of R. purshiana as a laxative. They gave it the name "Sacred Bark" (cascara sagrada) in honor of its effectiveness. Cascara was found in more drug preparations than any other natural product in North America, and is believed to be the most widely used cathartic in the world. [5] The bark is rich in hormone-like oil, which is thought to promote the peristaltic action(pushing out of waste material) in the lower intestinal tract.  It is this particular action that makes Cascara Sagrada so effective in treating constipation, both acute and chronic types. More study needs to be done on this laxative effect.


    The fact that it is not habit forming, like many pharmaceutical laxatives, makes it even more valuable in cases of constipation. The herb is popular for its ability to relieve constipation and tonify the bowel. The Dispensatory of the United States says this concerning the herb; “It often appears to restore tone to the relaxed bowel and in this way produces a permanent beneficial effect. It is considered mild and gentle enough for use by children and the elderly Reports in the “Drug Evaluations” of the American Medical Association confirm that Cascara Sagrada causes peristalsis in the large intestine with virtually no side effect on the small intestine.

    Colon health is dependent on the maintenance of beneficial intestinal bacteria and proper elimination. In this regard, Cascara Sagrada can prove to be invaluable in its role as a colon cleanser. When five healthy medical students were given Cascara, their bacteria counts of E coli and enterococci significantly decreased.[6] The emodin and rhein constituents of Cascara actually inhibit the respiration processes of certain bacteria. While undesirable bacteria may be destroyed by these compounds, friendly bacteria are not. This good flora is necessary for colon health and helps to keep the immune system strong.

    Some studies strongly suggest that the anthraquinones found in Cascara are beneficial in treatment and prevention of certain liver diseases[7]Traditional folk medicine utilized Cascara as a viable treatment for liver disorders. Today, its value as treatment for hepatic disease has been supported by contemporary scientific research. [8][9]


    Cascara Sagrada may also contribute to correcting hormonal imbalances controlled by the pituitary. More study needs to be done in this area.



    [1] Am J Physio.. 1976 Jan;230(1):15-18. Cholecystokinin-decreased food intake in rhesus monkeys. Gibbs J, Falasco JD, McHugh PR.
    [2] Yasmin T, Shara M, Bagchi M, Preuss HG, Bagchi D. Toxicological assessment of a novel niacin-bound chromium, known to ameliorate the symptoms of metabolic syndromes. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 45th Annual Meeting, abs 77, October;76(2):272-5.
    [3]Wright CI, Van-Buren L, Kroner CI, Koning MM (October 2007). "Herbal medicines as diuretics: a review of the scientific evidence"J Ethnopharmacol 114 (1): 1–31. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2007.07.023PMID 17804183.
    [4] Newall C, Anderson LA, Phillipson JD. Herbal Medicines: A Guide for Health-Care Professionals . London, England: Pharmaceutical Press; 1996:176.
    [5] Small, Ernest; Caitling, Paul M.; National Research Council Canada (1999). Canadian Medicinal Crops. NRC Research Press. p. 130. ISBN 9780660175348.
    [6] J. Cudlin, J., M. Blumauerova, N. Steinerova, J. Mateju and V. Zalabak, “Biological Activity of Hydro x y a n - thraquinones and Their Glucosides To w a rd Micro - organisms.” Folia Microbiological (Prague: 1976), 21 (1) 54-57
    [7] J. Cudlin, J., M. Blumauerova, N. Steinerova, J. Mateju and V. Zalabak, “Biological Activity of Hydro x y a n - thraquinones and Their Glucosides To w a rd Micro - organisms.” Folia Microbiological (Prague: 1976), 21 (1) 54-57
    [8] Kerharo, J. & Bouquet, A. Plantes Medicinales et Toxiques de la Cole d'Ivoire, Haute-Vota, Vigot, Paris, 1950.
    [9] Dalziel, J.M. "The useful plants of west tropical africa." In Dal- ziel and Hutchinson's appendix to The Flora of West Tropical Africa, London, 1937.


  • Spirulina


    All 10 Dietary-Essential Amino Acids - 20 amino acids total, in synergistic balance.

    B-12 - Vitamin B-12 provides energy and is essential for normal growth and neurological function.

    Beta-Carotene and Mixed Carotenoids: Exceptionally high natural concentrations. The caroteniods in Spirulina helps build your immune system nutritionally.

    Full-Spectrum Antioxidants from phyto-nutrients, pigments, and natural vitamins.

    Phycocyanin - High concentration of this powerful, blue, immune-stimulating biliprotein.

    GLA (gama linoleic acid) - highest natural form next to mother's milk - glandular-balancing and anti-inflammatory.

    Rhamnose – A rare, biologically-active sugar, speeds nutrients across the blood-brain barrier, and to the cell.

    Glycogen -The only vegetable source for this ready-made glucose in stored-energy form.

    EFA's - The much-needed Omega 3- and 6 - Essential Fatty Acids.

    Chlorophyll - deep-green blood-builder that directly harnesses sunlight.

    This helps cleanse the body of toxins.

    A Full-Spectrum of Vitamins - More than any other single food, in balanced concentrations. (such as vitamin C, E, A or D that play a crucial role in one’s overall health)

    Ocean Source Minerals and Abundant Trace Elements - from the deep clean ocean: over 90 minerals in all.

    The building blocks for over 2,000 enzymes with 2-3 times the energy of any other 'live food'.

  • Customer Reviews

      • Customers Name
      • Reviews
    • Name
      Guy Hopson
      If it were not for you cleansing products, I honestly don't think I would be here today.
    • Name
      Dan Solloway
      I take Mega Cleanse because detoxing from all the toxins we have been exposed to is a major secret to longevity and vibrant health.
    • Name
      Chenai Muchemwa
      My stomach is disappearing and my chronic constipation is finally gone thanks to Mega Wellness Cleanse!
    • Name
      Theresa Evenson
      I am 69 years old. Medical results assume it was a patient in their 40's. All due to Mega Wellness Cleanse.
    • Name
      Susie Solomon
      Nothing else worked like Mega Wellness Cleanse and Mega Cleanse Extra.
    • Name
      John Owen
      I really love the Mega Wellness and Mega Cleanse Extra, as I could really tell a difference in how I felt.
    • Name
      Debrah Lindamen
      "Was told by Dr. that I would lose a portion of my colon" The Maxzorb product line saved me!
    • Name
      Margaret Hanson
      "I have been struggling with what the doctors call IBS."
    • Name
      Patsy Rutta
      My nephew who is autistic has a better disposition after taking Mega Wellness Cleanse.
    • Name
      Terrie Evenson
      I lost 63lbs on the Mega Wellness Cleanse without special dieting or going to the gym. My son lost 87lbs!
    • Name
      Lois Shuler
      I take Mega Cleanse every day. It helped me go through my last colonoscopy like a breeze. My doctor said I was cleasn as a whistle.
    • Name
      RePaula Tate
      The Mega Cleanse and Mega Cleanse EX, I can not live without!
    • Name
      Kathleen Peterson
      After 11 years in the health food industry, your products Mega Cleanse and Mega Cleanse EX still stand out as the best that I have ever used.
    • Name
      Natalie Ensenat
      Battling off and on with Crohns disease. With Mega Cleanse / EX, I am regular, no more tummy aches or burning.
    • Name
      Jennfier Cooper
      Since I have been off Mega Cleanse I can honestly say my system has been out of sorts.
    • Name
      Andrea MacAuley
      I have had all my life coalitus and and bowel issues, and lactose intolerant. Taking Mega Cleanse / EX resolved them.
    • Name
      Tim Faulk
      I have been using Mega Cleasne and MC EX regularly for 4 years. I am 59 and my first colonoscopy everything was clear the Doctor said things looked great!
    • Name
      Angela Monteiro
      With Mega Cleanse and Mega Cleanse EX, I now go everyday!
    • Name
      Erica Ferguson
      Began taking Mega Cleanse last July. I had more energy and clearer skin.
    • Name
      Marie Davis
      Took Mega Cleanse and Mega Cleanse EX. Took care of a lifetime of constipation.
    • Name
      Dorothy Lewis
      I had IBS and took medicine from my doctor. Since Mega Cleanse, I have stopped taking it. I feel real good.
    • Name
      David Blair
      I have asthma and Mega Cleanse prevents and eliminates my wheezing.
    • Name
      Edwin Dossman
      Mega Cleanse and Mega Cleanse EX are successful for 2 reasons; easy to explain, and they work!
    • Name
      Tanya Hathorn
      Mega Cleanse/EX has helped me with my battle against endometriosis and IBD.
    • Name
      Claudia Nelson
      Mega Cleanse and Mega Cleanse EX have made such a difference in our "well-being".
    • Name
      Gwen P.
      I suffered from high cholesterol, high blood pressure, constipation, asthma. No more!
    • Name
      Sara Barajas
      Just started taking Mega Cleanse/EX and already I feel great.
    • Name
      Janice Crelly
      Hands freezing up when I sleep. Mega Cleanse corrected this problem.
    • Name
      Cindy Hale
      Always had problems with constipation until taking Mega Cleanse.
    • Name
      Lisa Sherrel
      Mega Cleanse a solution to a lifetime problem with constipation and irregularity.
    • Name
      Derek Adams
      Since using Mega Cleanse, I have had considerable relief from the effects of IBS.
    • Name
      Jill Barker
      I suffered daily from IBS until I started taking your Mega Cleanse product.
    • Name
      Bill Ianni
      Gout Relief
    • Name
      Sunie Thomas
      Your products have healed me both physically and mentally.
    • Name
      Hugh Dunn
      Diabetic, blood sugar count lowered
    • Name
      Christine Bisgrove
      I myself will hopefully never go a day without using Mega Cleanse.
    • Name
      Ruby Rogers
      Loss 19 lbs and 23 inches
    • Name
      Cindy Cox
      Weight Loss / Irregularity
    • Name
      Lael Banta
      Mega Cleanse through 2 pregnancies, Revitalized skin.
    • Name
      Marc Paolo
      More energy and more regular, cleared up skin
    • Name
      Sheri Channels
      Irritable Bowel Syndrome, gastric pain, severe pain attacks and excessive diarrhea.
    • Name
      Traci Redding
      Before I started Mega Cleanse, I suffered from horrible gastrointestinal problems for many years.
    • Name
      Erica Sosa
      Irritable Bowel Syndrome
    • Name
      Julie Short
      4 year old daughter relieved of constipation and painful enemas. Now, no talk of surgery.
    • Name
      Carla Witt
      Multiple "gut" surgeries to relieve adhesions causing intestines/colon to obstruct and not process food.
    • Name
      S.H. in L.A
      Mega Cleanse has "cured me" of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
    • Name
      Eris Scott
      Weight loss, menstrual irregularity
    • Name
      Joel Pettigrew
      Laboratory testimony about quality
    • Name
      Marcia Peterson
      Diagnosed with scleroderma, fibromyalgia, gastro-esophagael-reflux disease
    • Name
      Ada Richarson LVN
      Diabetes, Constipation
    • Name
      Ada Richarson LVN
      Mega Cleanse for high blood pressure, diabetes, excess weight gain and just overall health.
    • Name
      Terry Goettsche
      Energy, and long time use. 10 years +
    • Name
      Ro Turner
      Severe Constipation, and Acne
    • Name
      Donna Austin
      Acne, Constipation, Multiple Sclerosis
    • Name
      Janey Garrett
      Relief from bloating, cramps, and heavy abdominal feeling
    • Name
      Amy Parker
      Weight loss
    • Name
      Weight loss
    • Name
      Cindy Martin
      Weight loss and Epstein barr
    • Name
      Mark Swindle
      Energy, and weight loss
    • Name
      Darla Searles
      Mega Cleanse helped me achieve my highest fitness goal ever!
    • Name
      Donnie Day
      Without Mega Cleanse we felt bloated, heavy and low on energy.
    • Name
      Geri Ashley
      "Regular" & weight maintain 7 years
    • Name
      Carol Morrison
      Problems with irregularity due to past health problems and side effects from medications.
    • Name
      Edith Adams
      Best Cleanser on Market
    • Name
      Chris Downing
      Teenager, weight loss (20lbs) & curves appetite
    • Name
      Deanne D. Smith LVN
      Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Constipation
    • Name
      Carol Ellison
      3/4 of Colon and Stomach Removed
    • Name
      Barbie Kindred
      Spastic Colon, Constipation, Bloating
    • Name
      Kathleen Bransford
      Reduce Sugar Cravings, More Energy
    • Name
      Health Kick
      Mega Cleanse Success Story
    • Name
      Lurra Calahan
      Rare Lung Disease
    • Name
      Maxine Tanner
      Struggled with constipation whole life.
    • Name
      Raquel Torres
      Waiting up to 4 days with no bowel movement
    • Name
      Kelly Dover
      6 weeks, no bowel movement
    • Name
      Kathleen Bransford
      Eliminate "piles of junk"-clogged arteries
    • Name
      "Thomas Mell
      Vietnam war subjected to agent orange
    • Name
      April Epps
      Sluggish bowel
    • Name
      April L McAfee
      Menstrual cramps & chronic pack pain gone
    • Name
      Ana M. Hernandez
      Size 20 to 14 in 7 months
    • Name
      Ar-Mitty Blackmon
      Helped to stop smoking.
    • Name
      Jenny Sabroff
      Chronic constipation problems
    • Name
      Kenitra Webster
      Weight loss and clearer completion
    • Name
      Lynn Lawson Jones
      Car accident, bowel functions ceased to be normal
    • Name
      Patty Steele
      I suffered from endometriosis and tiny fibroid not visible
    • Name
      Debbie Hurndon
      Taking Mega Cleanse for Hepatitis C
    • Name
      Gloria Oliver
      Constipation, Pain in hands and legs gone
    • Name
      Used "other one in the yellow box" now uses Mega Cleanse!
    • Name
      Elinor Villani
      3rd degree burns.  Mega Cleanse aided in healing process
    • Name
      Debbie Combs
      3rd degree burns.  Mega Cleanse aided in healing process
    • Name
      Jenny Hyden
      Changed doctors mind regarding cleanses.
    • Name
      Sue Hernande
      Gastric intestinal problems, IBS
    • Name
      Tia Guthneck
      Mega Cleanse surpasses and other cleanser that I have tried.
    • Name
      Lindsay Brown
      Lost 95 lbs. No longer taking insulin or Avandia
    • Name
      Daisy Shoto
      Mega Cleanse gave me more energy and a trimmer waist line.
    • Name
      Natalie Sawyer
      Stage 3 Breast Cancer
    • Name
      Gloria Oliver
      Constipation, Pain in hands and legs gone
    • Name
      Wren Jenkins
      Mega Cleanse "Awesome"
    • Name
      First colonoscopy at 55 shows "clean as a whistle"
    • Name
      Crystal Williams
      Went from a size 27 to a size 12 using the Mega Cleanse
    • Name
      Marlene Kirkham
      "I absolutely love it"
    • Name
      Tina Straughter-Brewer
      This year first time I became regular.
    • Name
      Claudia Nelson
      Life has been happier since taking Mega Cleanse and Mega Cleanse EX
    • Name
      Wanda Varney
      Colonoscopy shows healthy colon after using Mega Cleanse for 1 year
  • Read First

    The Body Dynamics Mega Wellness Cleanse formula contains no chemicals, preservatives, toxins or pesticides. It is pure and pollution free. As a pure substance it will not cause side effects. However, it is possible for a person, who has been eating improperly for years, to experience minor discomforts and body changes when he alters his eating habits or adds new substances to his systems. Seven of the herbs in this formula seek to cleanse and heal your system. They are as follows: alfalfa, aloe vera, bayberry bark, burdock root, cascara sagrada, dandelion and ginger. When you add these new substances to your system, the accumulated toxins that were stored in your tissues and organs begin to leach out into the bloodstream and are passed out of the body through the elimination process. However, while these toxic substances are floating around in your system in their concentrated form, they re-poison the body slightly until they are completely expelled.

    During this detoxification period, a person can experience mild to severe reactions such as headaches, aching joints, body odor, upset stomach, diarrhea, constipation, and muscle-stomach cramps. Many people who try to quit drinking coffee or alcohol or try to stop smoking may suffer the same problems.

    Some people will resume their old habits because they cannot endure some discomfort for a day or two. If they would just give their system a chance to eliminate and readjust, they would feel much better. This can happen with the introduction of these cleansing and healing herbs. When these superior food substances enter the body in their concentrated nutritional form, they begin to weed out the toxins and help the body rebuild. Such a transference-replacing toxins with vitamins, minerals and proteins in the system-may take a few days. Immediate results will vary since each of us is unique and our rate of metabolism differs.

    Work and exercise habits also should be taken into consideration. Toxins are eliminated much faster in an active body. It rids itself more quickly of toxins through perspiration and proper elimination.

  • Ten Reasons

    1. A toxic bowel left unattended can reduce your life span significantly.

    2. Colon waste can weaken and stress the heart.

    3. Colon poisons can cause wrinkles, blemishes, psoriasis, and liver damage.

    4. Impacted waste disturbs mental function and hastens senility.

    5. Fecal material left in the colon will putrefy, cause gas and distur peristaltic action.

    6. Food matter left to decompose can cause foul breath and unhealthy teeth.

    7. A sick colon can be directly related to arthritis and joint pain.

    8. A toxic colon can cause acidosis and rob the body of vital energy.

    9. Toxins left to ferment and fester will cause acidosis and ultimately a loss of calcium and other minerals in the bone structure of the entire body.

    10. Toxins such as Phenol, Ammonia, Indol, Scatoie, Cresol, Cadeverin, Botulin, and many more highly active poisons can increase the risk of cancer by at least 75%.

  • Diet

    Introducing Spirulina an Herbal Super Food

    What To Expect

    This information concerns the introduction of Spirulina and the 29 other herbs and super foods found in the Mega Wellness Cleanse, to your body. Our purpose is to eliminate the misunderstanding and confusion that can come about through misinterpreting the symptoms and changes you may experience when you begin a better nutritional program.

    A better nutritional program means the introduction of foods and supplements of a higher quality, such as the herbal ingredients in Mega Wellness Cleanse, in place of lower quality ones. The closer the food comes to the natural state in which it occurs, or the closer it comes to its raw, unrefined form, the higher its quality. All the enzymes are found intact when foods are left in this condition and all the protein containing amino acids are left in their finest form. The minerals, vitamins, trace elements, carbohydrates and life force are still present. When they are ingested the body can then reproduce healthy tissue. In these terms Spirulina, the main ingredient in the Mega Wellness Cleanse, is the highest quality substance offered to mankind, and it also comes to you untouched, directly from nature, as should most substances we put in our bodies.

    If you are really interested in a better nutritional program, omitting highly toxic substances such as alcohol, tobacco products and highly processed, fatty foods will give you definite desired results. You should limit consumption of animal fat, salt, sugar, and caffeine. The higher the quality of food you eat, the faster you will reap the benefits in health, energy and clarity of thinking. Assimilating and properly digesting higher quality foods enables the body to discard lower grade materials and tissues to make room for superior materials, which it uses to make new and healthier tissue.

    If we would stop interfering with the normal process of the body by overloading it with lower quality substances, it would function more freely to improve its health. Numerous examples of how the body tends toward health can be seen in the normal self curing nature of conditions such as colds, fevers, cuts, swellings, injuries, etc. unless we do something to stop the process.

    Removing The Toxins

    The only reason people fail with their new nutritional program is that they lack understanding of how the body works. They are misled to believe that they felt better with their old habits and diet before they took these super foods. They fail because they do not give the body a chance to adjust and complete its phase of cleansing and recuperative action. If they would just wait a little while longer they would begin to feel much better than before they started. The bodies power has actually been increased, but since this increased energy is being directed to the vital internal organs to start reconstruction, we don't experience this as we would an external energy rush like we would get from caffeine or ephedra. The mind misinterprets it as some weakness. Any weakness felt here is not true weakness but merely a regathering of forces for the rebuilding of more important internal parts. It is essential for us to stop wasting energy and to rest and sleep more. It is important to have patience and faith and just wait it out, realizing that the years of improper diet are the only reason for our discomfort and the body is rebuilding and strengthening itself during this crucial phase. After a short time we will feel much better than before we started the program.

    First Phase-Cleaning Out The Sludge

    As one continues on the improved diet and gradually raises the food quality, interesting symptoms begin to appear in the first phase, called catabolism. The body begins a process called "retracing". The cellular intelligence immediately starts getting rid of the toxic build up through out the body. Excess bile in the liver and gallbladder is sent to the intestines to trigger the process of elimination. "Sludge" is moved out of the arteries, veins and capillaries, and deposits are cleaned from the joints. The herbs and super foods in the Mega Wellness Cleanse are designed to rid the body of toxic build up from irritating food preservatives, sleeping pills and drugs, along with masses of excess fat which have taxed the system for so long.

    Next Phase-Forming New Tissues And Increasing Energy

    The second phase is called stabilization. During this phase, the amount of waste material being discarded daily is equal to the amount of tissue which is being formed and replaced by the newer, more vital and nutritious food. This occurs after excessive, obstructing toxins in the tissues have been removed. This stage is followed by a third stage called anabolism. Because of the improved assimilation, new tissues are now being formed faster and are more durable and don't break down as easily. We are setting good habits and have lost our craving for the poorer quality foods. We are now able to maintain our ideal weight!

    Dealing With The Symptoms

    Those who have maintained a healthy life-style in the past, and have not abused their bodies with toxic substances and overeating, will have reactions ranging from almost nothing at all, to very mild. Those who have eaten quantities of refined sugar, refined flour, highly preserved foods, animal fats, etc., and poisoned themselves with alcohol, drugs and stimulants, will experience more severe symptoms. This is because their liver, kidneys or other important eliminating organs have been damaged. When their body has been renovated to the point of fair working order, they will no longer produce symptoms. Even though you may be one of the ones who did follow all the rules of proper nutrition, you must realize that it is almost impossible not to take in a certain amount of toxins and heavy metals with the very air you breathe and water that you drink.

    The symptoms will vary according to the materials being discarded, the condition of the organs involved in the elimination and the amount of energy you have available. The better you take care of yourself, exercising regularly and getting plenty of rest, when symptoms are present, the milder they are and the more quickly they are terminated. Be happy you are having symptoms, realizing that your body is becoming younger and healthier every day because you are throwing off more and more wastes which would eventually have brought pain, disease and much suffering. Those who have the worst symptoms and reactions and stick with it, are thus avoiding some of the worst conditions which would eventually develop if they continued their careless habits.

    Every great physician or scientist who has ever lived has marveled in awe and humility at the wonders and resilience of the human body. Let us give ourselves a chance to experience what it means to be really healthy and fully alive. This can be accomplished only by taking care to put the highest quality foods in our bodies and eliminating low quality toxic ones.

  • Weight Loss

    Effective Weight Loss Starts with Internal Cleansing

    Many experts claim that the bowel is the hub of the human body. It is a build up of toxins in the bowel that is a precursor to various types of degenerative disease. Dr. Bernard Jensen, nutritionist, lecturer and author of over 30 books on natural health cure states:

    "Every tissue in the body is fed by the bloodstream, which is supplied by the bowel. When the bowel is dirty, the blood is dirty and so are the organs and tissues. It is the bowel that must be cared for first before any healing can take place.

    Some members of the medical profession have disputed this line of thinking, yet the amazing facts supporting these ideas are undeniable. Proper bowel function entails 2 to 3 good bowel movements per day. Most people are not aware of this.

    Faulty digestion and elimination develop in an individual through years of improper life-styles and dietary habits. Most people do not eat properly or exercise regularly, so their eliminative processes don't function the way they should. Think of all the toxins we take in everyday. Industry and transportation systems are pouring more than 70,000 toxins into the air we breath and the water we drink! These toxic substances include lead, mercury, cadium, PCB, and acrylic nitrile. Many of these have been linked to cancer and other degenerative diseases.

    Even if we eat "right" we still are bombarding our systems with toxic substances. Fresh fruits and vegetables have been sprayed with insecticides, which can not be washed away easily. Live stock have been fed harmful hormones and antibiotics. In order to truly eat "right", we would have to grow our own fruits and vegetables and raise our own livestock many miles away from polluted land, rivers and streams.

    So its important to protect our health by not allowing these toxins to sit in our colon and putrefy. If we do, we are slowly poisoning our body. When we are not eliminating properly, wastes may not be expelled for days, weeks, months, and years. Toxins back up in the colon, which can cause autointoxication, or self-poisoning. This occurs when the bowel walls become encrusted with uneliminated fecal matter. This in turn hampers the absorption of vital nutrients! So now, blood capillaries lining the bowel are absorbing the rotting fecal matter in place of life giving vitamins and minerals. This inhibits our body's ability to feed and repair itself properly!

    These poisons eventually seep into every cell of the body, setting the stage for disease. This autointoxication lowers our overall feeling of health and vitality. We start to blame other factors such as aging on why we have no energy or zest for life.

    The fact is that age has nothing to do with lack of energy and less than optimum health. 90% of the time, these complaints can be alleviated through internal cleansing. Mega Wellness Cleanse contains 30 herbs and super foods, which is formulated and designed to cleanse the kidneys, liver, blood, lymphatic system and the colon.* Six of the herbs in this formula seek to stabilize blood sugar levels. This helps reduce cravings for simple carbohydrates and sugars. These herbs are dandelion, bayberry bark, beepollen, licorice, juniper and skullcap. You will notice within a very short period of time how much better you will look and feel. Many of my clients report not just feeling better but they begin to notice that even their skin takes on a glow!

    Don't wait! Everyone young and old will benefit from the life giving nutrients, and healing properties in these herbs.

  • Supplement Panel

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Key to jump start fitness 08/01/2021
By Ivan Dielman
I have been using your products for over 15 years. I am a trainer with clients all over the Metroplex. This product is/was key in order to jump start a new client and make them feel so much better. Part of my initial assessment included recommending them to start taking Mega Cleanse, drinking water, working out, meditation, stretching etc etc etc. Consistently they would report how much better they felt within a week or so, not only digestive wise but their skin would be better and they would feel restored, lighter and more agile.
People I knew who did not work out yet I recommended the product (to) reported to me that their blood work improved (cholesterol levels LDL specifically) after 6 to 8 months and they attributed this to Mega Cleanse since there was no other change or supplement/medicine addition to their lifestyle. I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to start a fitness program or just feel better. Thanks for making such life changing products.