Nourishing our body is just as much an outside job as well as inside job. As a holistic and integrative nutritionist I advocate consuming only the highest quality food, and nutritional supplements as well as healthful lifestyle practices to empower your best health.

I found SkinDrink products by Body Dynamic years ago when I was searching for a skincare company that offered non-toxic, organic, and science-based solutions for skin protection, and rejuvenation, particularly for my face to minimize the harmful effects of aging, environmental exposures, as well as promote repair. I love SkinDrink products, and today, I am still using SkinDrink to help keep me looking as young as I feel!

It's important to me that I support and promote women-owned businesses when possible. Body Dynamics CEO, Brenda Swartz, has been a phenomenal help anytime I’ve had questions or concerns. I highly recommend the SkinDrink product line for your skincare needs.

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Skin Drink products